Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

I had a really hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I didn't even get my decorations or tree up until a week before Christmas. I was so focused on the girls' pregnancies and fixing up my house that the holiday just snuck up on me. Well when it finally got here I was in for a wonderful surprise. It was an amazing holiday and I felt so much love and peace. All of our kids were home and the family was happy to be together.

I had both my stepsons and Paul's sister Gloria all staying with us. We went to Paul's parents Christmas Eve and had our traditional breakfast Christmas morning. Mom and Mike were here for both celebrations. Christmas Day the kids all went to their "other" family functions and Paul and I went to Mel and Jane's to eat and watch movies in their basement theater. It was a perfect 2 days.

I was very blessed by Santa too. I got jewelery, clothes, frogs (I love frogs), Ugg boots, a waffle maker, blender, and new silverware. I hit the jackpot! Most important was the family spending time together. It was a magical Christmas...

I hope your holiday was just as magical and your New Year is blessed.
Love Cindy

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About Me

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I am a mother and a grandmother (how did that happen?)I am a teacher. I teach English, Yearbook, Speech and Theater, and Zumba. I have taught many other things over the years. I love teaching.