Sunday, February 14, 2010

Romeo and Cheri

This weekend was a busy one for Paul and I. Saturday we went to Adrian to see Cheri cheer for the girls' basketball game. It was the first basketball game we had been to. Unfortunately, most of the games are on weekdays that I bowl or teach Zumba. The cheer team did a wonderful routine at half time and Christina's mom taped it and you can watch it if we are friends on facebook. We also met the new 4 month old puppy that is the new Adrian Bulldog mascot. He is really cute. We heard that he cost $4000. Wow!

Sunday was Paul and my 8th anniversary and we celebrated it by going up to meet our new puppy, Romeo. Romeo is a black Newfoundland, called Newfies by the people that love them. Romeo's dad was there and he weighs over 150 pounds. Linda (the breeder) said Romeo might get to 170 or 180 pounds. It's a good thing we have 10 acres and a big house! Linda said Romeo is doing great and if the vet check this week gives him a clean bill of health, we can pick him up next weekend! I am so excited and now I have puppy food, dog cages, and chew toys to buy.

I have wanted one of these dogs for over 30 years and now I am getting him. He will look like a big black bear; he looks like a little bear cub now. I met one at a dog show years ago and fell head over heels in love with the breed. I have been researching breeders for years and always come back to Linda. Linda breeds for health and guarantees that the dogs don't drool. That is one downfall of Newfies and St. Bernards. She breeds her Newfies to have tight mouths and eyes so there is no drool or eye problems. I have checked her references and talked to other breeders about her dogs. I have never heard a bad thing about her pups. She also told me her dogs tend to live 12-14 years, if properly cared for; most Newfies only live 8-10 years. Like I said, I always come back to Linda and now I am getting Romeo from her.

Here are some pictures of my new baby boy....and my baby girl cheering!

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About Me

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I am a mother and a grandmother (how did that happen?)I am a teacher. I teach English, Yearbook, Speech and Theater, and Zumba. I have taught many other things over the years. I love teaching.